Which league to bet on?

1 minute read

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Price movements.

The graph below shows the change in price (perceived probability) of total goals markets using Pinnacle’s opening & closing prices. Each data point represents a game in which a selection has shortened in price. I wanted to see whether there was any drastic difference in efficiency across the main European leagues.

Click on box to see individual games, double click whitespace to revert.

#### Disclaimer: Data is scraped so opening price may not necesssarily have been the first price shown. Only one over/under line used per game (line which closed closest to 50%).

D3 code for exploding boxplot from mcaule.

<script src="/assets/bower_components/requirejs/require.js"> <script type="text/javascript"> require.config({ baseUrl: ".", paths: { d3: '/assets/bower_components/d3/d3.min', "d3-tip": '/assets/bower_components/d3-tip/index', 'd3-exploding-boxplot': '/assets/src/d3_exploding_boxplot' }, shim: { 'd3-exploding-boxplot': { deps: ['d3', 'd3-tip'] }, 'd3-tip': { deps: ['d3'] } } }); <script> require(['d3-exploding-boxplot', 'd3'], function(exploding_boxplot, d3) { d3.json("/assets/d3data.json", function(data) { var chart = exploding_boxplot(data['data'], { y: 'percentage_change', group: 'league', color: 'league', label_1: 'game', label_2: 'line', label_3: 'selection', label_4: 'open', label_5: 'close' }); chart('#chartContainer'); }); d3.select("body").style("background-color", "#252a34"); });

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